Find A Package That Is Right For You.
Per Month
2 tuition sessions per week.
Focus on academic progression and further
Access to educational resources
24/7 contact with a member of our team
Per Month
2 tuition sessions per week
1 Mental Health Coaching session per week
Focus on academic progression and confidence building
Access to educational resources
24/7 contact with a member of our team
Per Month
1 tuition session per week
1 Mental Health Coaching session per week
Focus on building confidence
Access to educational resources
24/7 contact with a member of our team
Per Month
1 tuition session per week
Focus on academic progression
Access to educational resources
24/7 contact with a member of our team
Per Month
1 coaching session per week
Support outside of sessions
Confidential sessions
Feedback (following our confidential policy)
Per Month
1 tuition session per week
Focus on building confidence
Access to educational resources
24/7 contact with a member of our team